
February 14, 2015

Brick Stitch Around the Inside and Outside of a Circle Link

Brick Stitched Circle

Have you ever had one of those things you always want to try, but it looks hard or you haven't quite figured it out so you keep waiting on it?

This brick stitch project was like that for me. In my mind, it always seemed like it was going to be difficult to get the beads on both the inside and the outside of the ring.  But then I finally tried it - and it's not!!

Finding Rings for a Brick Stitch Base

I got these rings from Halstead Bead, but they are difficult to find on their site.  The link will take you to the brass ones that I used.  They are wholesale only - and require a certificate and minimum order.

I wasn't thrilled with the rings when I got them - the edges were sharp.  But they have turned out to be fine after I threw them in the rotary tumbler for an hour with stainless steel shot - shiny and smooth. They are also a little curved, which is hard for me to explain - but I still like them.  I think they give the finished brick stitch project more of a 3-D effect.

The rings on the right are some that I purchased at Michael's that I am thinking of trying too.  They have a joint, which I typically try to avoid, but it is really tight and I am thinking of using some glue just to make sure they stay closed.  When I see them side by side though - I have my doubts.

If you want rings more like the ones I got from Halstead, I also noticed I have some antique silver colored chain from Michaels that has links that are almost exactly the same - plus it has some twisted links that might look pretty too.  Never overlook the chains for these types of supplies!

Free Brick Stitch Inside and Outside Ring Tutorial

Were you looking for the free tutorial to brick stitch inside and outside a wire ring?  Of course there is one!!

I can give you a summary here though.  Find a ring, brick stitch inside, move your thread to the outside of the ring by stitching through a bead, brick stitch around the outside putting your thread between the beads on the inner ring, tie off ends, trim add chain.

There are more step by step pictures - and links to the details of how to brick stitch, brick stitch inside a ring, brick stitch outside a ring. Oh - and a supplies list too.  So, please check it out.

One more funny note - when I was making this necklace I was kind of excited because I really wanted to make something similar to a Miguel Ases Necklace that I liked (above).

I finished these only to find out - they are similar - but very different.  And what's funny about that? Well, it just shows you that your own voice comes through - even when you're not thinking about it.

You have to see this!

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Happy Valentine's Day - don't eat too much candy!

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