
November 20, 2015

DIY Wire Napkin Rings and Glass Charms

Yup!  Lots of wire today - no jewelry.  And it's been oh-so-fun!

Because I also threw in some shrink plastic (shrinky-dinks to folks of my generation) - and who doesn't love watching that plastic curl and shrivel!

This will be one of those times I hope all of my friends don't subscribe to my blog because I will definitely be giving a few of these as gifts.

November 11, 2015

5 DIY Jewelry Projects with Handmade Wire Hoops

One thing I love to explore is taking a relatively simple design and seeing how many variations I can come up with.  Like these U shaped wire beading frames for example.

I started with the design for this necklace.  There is a free tutorial to make the U shaped wire frame and another tutorial to add the beads to the frame.  I knew when I made the necklace that this same design would look great as earrings.