
March 31, 2020

Beaded Toilet Paper Roll Earrings

You'll want to follow these instructions to make these fun beaded toilet paper roll earrings!  Although, I have to admit - toilet paper roll earrings reflect everything that is currently wrong in the world. A virus pandemic and a toilet paper shortage.

beaded toilet paper earrings

I thought they were silly when I first saw them, but the little rolls of beaded toilet paper were fun to make and they are almost as in demand as the real thing. Yes - the people who have to work in public at this time appreciate adding a little levity to the situation - so consider making a pair for your favorite grocery clerk.

Here's how I made my pair of beaded toilet paper rolls.

beaded toilet paper earrings instructions

The materials I used are opaque white Miyuki size 11 round seed beads, 8 lb Crystal color FireLine beading thread, and a Tulip beading needle for the bead work section.

The center core of the toilet paper roll is a wire spring coil that I made using 20 gauge brown Artistic craft wire. Aleene's Jewelry Metal Glue is holding it all together.

I used two-drop even count peyote stitch to make the beaded toilet paper strip. I tried regular even count peyote first but it was taking soooooo long. I really wanted this to be a quick and fun project - so two drop peyote really speeds up the process.  If you're not familiar with 2-drop peyote, there's instructions as part of this heart beaded ring tutorial

The bead strip is 8 beads wide, which is four 2-drop peyote stitches. When the number of stitches across is even - you are doing even count peyote which has a simple turn at the end of each row.  If you want your project to be quicker - choose even count peyote! For this project, counting the rows down the long edge, there are 32 rows.

beaded toilet paper earrings instructions

The toilet paper center is a wire coil. I decided to dust off a tool I've almost never used to make the coil.  It's a Beadalon Round Jump Ring Maker, but let's be honest - it doesn't make jump rings. It makes coils that you can cut into jump rings. Or coils that you can use as a center for a beaded toilet paper roll. Of course, you can use any suitable item as a mandrel for the coil.

Beadalon Jump ring tool

The jump ring maker is an interesting little tool. I used the smallest mandrel to make the wire coil. You attach the mandrel by screwing it into the small nut on the plastic base.

Beadalon jewelry tool jump ring maker

Get your wire and cut a piece at least 12 inches long. Brown Artistic wire turned out to be the perfect color for this.

Brown Artistic Wire

Insert the end of the wire into the hole on the base of the tool. Bend it over to hold it in place.

Beadalon jump ring tool and coil maker

Wrap the wire over the mandrel. I think it works better if you keep the wire close to the plastic base.

Beadalon jump ring tool and coil maker

Holding the wire pressed against the mandrel with one hand, put your finger in the hole on the plastic base and turn away from you.  Just keep pressing the wire and letting it wrap around the mandrel.

Beadalon jump ring tool and coil maker

Once the coil is large enough, or you wrapped the entire piece of wire, remove the wire from the hole to slide the coil off the mandrel.  I had trouble getting the coils tight - but it isn't important for this project.

Beadalon jump ring tool and coil maker

Trim the coil to be the same size as the edge of the beaded strip.  To attach the bead work to the coil, first I glued the beading to a strip of copy paper the same width. It is easier to wrap the paper around the coil than it is to wrap the beads - at least to get things started.  Once the paper is attached, use the glue to attach the paper to the wire coil.  Make sure you line it up so it will roll evenly!

beaded toilet paper earrings instructions

As you are rolling the bead work onto the wire coil, apply glue to keep it in place. I left a bit of a tail to dangle down - but it is totally up to you. I also like the paper hanging over the roll, never under - but just like in your house - it's your option.

beaded toilet paper earrings instructions

The final step is to make a toilet paper holder or hanger.  I used more 20 gauge Artistic wire - this time in silver. I started with about 6-8 inches and wrapped a simple dangling loop.

beaded toilet paper earrings free tutorial

Repeat for the second beaded toilet paper roll, making them match as much as possible.

beaded toilet paper earrings instructions

Add ear wires and there you have them - a spare roll anytime you need one.

Beaded toilet paper earrings by Lisa Yang Jewelry

I hope you enjoy the project and are keeping safe at home with your jewelry making projects and beading or whatever else makes you happy.  I have been keeping busy and hope to share more projects as well as organize my projects while I have the extra time at home. I started with an index of wire information, techniques and projects. It is a work in process.

If you want to know when I post new projects, please see my Sign Up page for social media accounts.


  1. Ha, it is silly, indeed but also fun! Thanks for making me smile :)

  2. I love these! Definitely going to make. Thanks and stay safe.

    1. I hope they come out great! Yes- hope you and yours are healthy too!

  3. These are so cute. Made me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love those. Very silly but great. A real conversation piece. Just need a matching necklace to complete the set.

    1. Maybe the necklace could be paper towels? Those are hard to find here too!

  5. Things like this help us to maintain a sense of humor and sanity. Thanks for the laugh!

  6. This is funny and cute! Going to make some today

  7. Thank you Lisa for this cute idea! The stress levels we all are dealing with these days are extreme and unsettling,so an adorable project like this is fun and very welcome!

  8. Can you please tell me how you tied off the ends of the strings from the loom please?

    1. I didn't use a loom, so I only had two strings to deal with, the tail and the working thread. For both of them, I wove them back into the peyote stitch, usually trying to go in a square and filling the beads so the thread end will be packed in tight. I also tend to tie a half hitch knot in the center somewhere and weave the thread end in before cutting. Because I knew I was going to use glue, I wasn't as worried about my thread end coming loose as I might normally be.

  9. I work at Dollar Tree in my town and people are always looking for toilet paper, so I decided to make these for a laugh...I got a lot of order from these earrings...Thank you for helping me make them. Love your work.

    1. Ha - that's great! I think they were perfect for people who had to work in places that were sold out of toilet paper.

  10. Thank you so much for your generosity! Great Pattern!

  11. I honestly thought that's dumb but then when I looked at it and all the detailing u did to make it.its cute n I like them I would so wear them.thanks for sharing.thats y I had to look b4 I judge.

    1. Yup - it's silly and maybe even dumb. But, so was hoarding toilet paper during a pandemic. Might as well just laugh at it...

  12. These are adorable! My question is about another pattern, the spiral peyote tube earrings. At the spruce craft website you said the written instructions were on your blog but I can’t seem to find them. Would you mind putting a link to them please. Would really appreciate that! Thanks much!

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