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June 26, 2023

Stunning Brick Stitch Bracelet Project for Beginners

Bracelet made with Miyuki size 8 seed beads and flat brick stitch

This beadwork project tutorial shows you how to make a brick stitch chain of  beads that can be used for a necklace or bracelet.  The chain in this tutorial has rows that are two beads wide. 

This bracelet is super quick to make and great practice to learn basic flat brick stitch. Using larger beads, like the size 8 beads pictured above, is also helpful for if you're new to beadwork or brick stitch. I highly recommend this project for gift giving, especially if you are stressed for time.

June 09, 2023

How to Use Wire Guardians for Beaded Fringe Earrings

Bugle bead earring component next to wire guardian
Bugle bead earring component next to wire guardian


There are a variety of ways to attach findings to beadwork. One very secure and attractive way is to use wire guardians. Wire guardians are small, U-shaped metal findings that are used to protect the ends of beading wire or thread from wear and tear. Wire guardians may also be called wire guards, thread protectors, or wire protectors. They are convenient to use and they can help prevent the thread on your handmade bead jewelry from breaking or coming undone. One way to use them is as the hanging loop for brick stitch fringe earrings.

June 06, 2023

Double Bugle Bead Chain Necklace Beading Pattern

Double bugle bead chain necklace
Double bugle bead chain necklace 

 This easy beaded chain uses bugle beads and seed beads stitched together in a variation of right angle weave.  It's a sturdy beaded chain that makes a beautiful and delicate beaded necklace or bracelet, and also works well as a beaded amulet bag strap or eyeglass chain. An advantage to using bugle beads is how quick this chain is to stitch - with each bugle bead adding the length of 4-5 seed beads - so there are less beads to pick up.

June 05, 2023

About Bugle Beads in Jewelry Making

A variety of bugle bead sizes and brands
A variety of bugle bead sizes, types and brands

Bugle beads are long, narrow beads that are often used in bead weaving and other handmade jewelry projects. They can be made from a variety of materials, but most often they are made from glass, and sometimes metal. The beads are made from glass tubes or metal tubes that are cut to the desired size. They may have additional shaping to make them more interesting, such as twists or shaping that gives them facets that reflect light.

This article will look at the different types of bugle beads and how you can incorporate them into your jewelry designs, as well as some issues you may encounter using them.

Types of Seed Beads Used in Jewelry Making

Picture of a variety of types of seed beads
Different types of seed beads including cylinder and round seed beads.

Getting Started with Seed Beads

Getting started making jewelry with seed beads seems like it should be easy.  You've got one or more types of seed beads, a beading needle and beading thread, possibly something you'd like to add some decoration to with bead embroidery or some findings to make jewelry. You may already have a project in mind, so what else do you need to know?

Honestly, getting started making bead jewelry is that easy - and can be very enjoyable, but once you get started you'll find that the little differences in the shape and size of your seed beads can make a huge difference in your finished project. To have more control over your finished beadwork, you'll want to know more about the types of beads, the sizes they are available in, and what beading stitches they are best suited for. 

This article will describe common types of seed beads, how to identify what types of beads you have or should buy, how to find the best beads for your project or how to find suitable projects for the beads you already own.