I have been busy the past 3 weeks or so carving out my own little workshop space in our garage. I have recently become absolutely overcome by the vast amount of beads and craft supplies - and they needed to start moving out of the house. Or at least out of the main living area! I also needed my dining room table for Thanksgiving (and Christmas is around the corner). And dare I even mention that the garage has been accumulating stuff for the past 15 years!
It has been quite a task. There was no lighting, it was disorganized, the black widow spiders had made nests in a few corners - I don't even like to think about it.
I wish I had a better picture - but here is one of my freshly pained workbench. It is still pretty disorganized - but I am continuing to work on it. It is nice to have a place to call my own - finally!
I have also been busy with some home jewelry parties and donating items for various auctions. I should have time to post some pictures of the jewelry I have been working on tomorrow.